Migration Guide

Migrating between versions of Sentry's SDK for Android.

  • Bumped Sentry Android SDK to 7.0.0. Refer to the section below for details about changes to the SDK.
  • Renamed experimentalGuardsquareSupport flag to dexguardEnabled.

You must use Sentry Gradle plugin 4.+ together with the Sentry Android SDK 7.+ otherwise, it might crash at runtime due to binary incompatibility. If you can't do that for some reason, you can specify the Sentry version via the plugin config block:

sentry {
  autoInstallation {

Similarly, if you have a Sentry SDK (e.g. sentry-android-core) dependency on one of your Gradle modules and you're updating it to 7.+, make sure the Gradle plugin is at 4.+, or specify the SDK version as shown in the snippet above.

  • The minimum supported API level was updated to 19 (minSdk).
  • The sentry-android-okhttp classes were deprecated in favor of sentry-okhttp, which is a pure Java module and can be used in non-Android projects.
    • The SentryOkHttpUtils class was removed from the public API. If you were using it, consider filing a feature request.
  • If you're using sentry-kotlin-extensions, it now requires kotlinx-coroutines-core version 1.6.1 or higher.
  • Moved enableNdk and enableScopeSync from SentryOptions to SentryAndroidOptions.
  • Changed the return type of SentryApolloInterceptor.BeforeSpanCallback from ISpan to ISpan?.
  • Scope now implements the IScope interface, therefore some methods like ScopeCallback.run accept IScope now.
  • Some Sentry.startTransaction overloads do not exist anymore, and instead, you can set old options by passing a TransactionOptions object in.

For example:

// old
val transaction = Sentry.startTransaction("name", "op", bindToScope = true)
// new
val transaction = Sentry.startTransaction("name", "op", TransactionOptions().apply { isBindToScope = true })

  • Sentry.getSpan() now returns the root span/transaction instead of the latest span.
    • This will make the span hierarchy leaner and more readable.
  • The SDK now captures failed HTTP and GraphQL (Apollo) requests by default.
    • This can increase your event consumption and may affect your quota, because we will report failed network requests as Sentry events if you're using the sentry-android-okhttp or sentry-apollo-3 integrations by default. You can customize what errors you want/don't want to have reported for OkHttp and Apollo3 respectively.
  • Added a deadline timeout for automatic transactions.
    • This affects all automatically generated transactions on Android (UI, clicks). The default timeout is 30s, meaning the automatic transaction will be force-finished with the status deadline_exceeded when it reaches the deadline.
  • The SDK now sets ip_address to {{auto}} by default, even if sendDefaultPII is disabled.
    • We recommend you instead use the "Prevent Storing of IP Addresses" option in the "Security & Privacy" project settings on sentry.io.
  • The maxSpans setting (defaults to 1000) is now enforced for nested child spans. This means a single transaction can have maxSpans number of children (nested or not) at most.

Make sure to align all Sentry dependencies (like -timber, -okhttp or other packages) to the same version when bumping the SDK to 7.+, otherwise, it will crash at runtime due to binary incompatibility.

For example, if you're using the Sentry Android Gradle plugin with the autoInstallation feature (enabled by default), make sure to use version 4.+ of the Gradle plugin together with version 7.+ of the SDK. If you can't do that for some reason, you can specify the Sentry version via the plugin config block:

sentry {
  autoInstallation {

Similarly, if you have a Sentry SDK (e.g. sentry-android-core) dependency on one of your Gradle modules and you're updating it to 7.+, make sure the Gradle plugin is at 4.+ or specify the SDK version as shown in the snippet above.

  • Starting with version 7.0.0 of sentry, Sentry's version >= v22.12.0 is required to properly ingest transactions with unfinished spans. This only applies to self-hosted Sentry. If you are using sentry.io, no action is needed.

The sentry-compose-android and sentry-compose integrations now declare their upstream dependencies as compileOnly. Make sure to have the androidx.navigation:navigation-compose, androidx.compose.runtime:runtime, and androidx.compose.ui:ui dependencies on the classpath if you're using those integrations. Otherwise, the application will crash with a NoClassDefFoundError exception.

The sentry-android-okhttp, sentry-android-fragment, and sentry-android-timber integrations now declare their upstream dependencies as compileOnly. Make sure to have the okhttp, fragment, and timber dependencies on the classpath if you're using those integrations or the application will crash with a NoClassDefFoundError exception.

  • Kotlin plugin is upgraded to 1.6.10.

This version is still compatible with Kotlin 1.4.

This only affects integrations that are written in Kotlin, such as timber, fragment, okhttp, navigation and compose.

  • Kotlin plugin is upgraded to 1.5.

  • Kotlin languageVersion is upgraded to 1.4.

  • Gson is removed as a transitive dependency and vendored in the SDK.

    • Protocol classes now implement the JsonSerializable and JsonDeserializer interfaces.
  • SentryOptions#shutdownTimeout is renamed to shutdownTimeoutMillis.

  • Removed @Deprecated and @ApiStatus.ScheduledForRemoval methods

    • ITransaction#setRequest
    • ITransaction#getRequest
    • ITransaction#getContexts
    • SentryBaseEvent#getOriginThrowable
    • SentryOptions#getCacheDirSize
    • SentryOptions#setCacheDirSize
    • SentryOptions#isEnableSessionTracking
    • SentryOptions#setEnableSessionTracking
  • Removed unnecessary abstractions

    • IBuildInfoProvider is now BuildInfoProvider only.
    • IHandler is now MainLooperHandler only.
  • ISpan now has higher precision using the System#nanoTime instead of milliseconds.

  • Hints changed its type from Object to io.sentry.Hint


Sentry.captureException(RuntimeException("exception"), "myStringHint")


val hints = mutableMapOf<String, Any>("myHint" to "myStringHint")
Sentry.captureException(RuntimeException("exception"), hints)
  • SentryOptions#enableScopeSync is now enabled by default, to disable it, see the code snippet below.
  • SentryOptions#sendClientReports is now enabled by default. To disable it, use the code snippet below:
<meta-data android:name="io.sentry.send-client-reports" android:value="false" />

  • Starting with version 6.0.0 of sentry, Sentry's version >= v21.9.0 is required or you have to manually disable sending client reports via the sendClientReports option. This only applies to self-hosted Sentry. If you are using sentry.io, no action is needed.

There are more changes and refactors, but they are not user breaking changes.

Starting from version 5.6.2, the Timber.tag usage is no longer supported by our SDK (the tag will not be captured and reflected on Sentry). Please, vote on this GitHub issue to let us know if we should provide support for that.

Support for Timber.tag has been brought back in version 5.7.2.

The io.sentry.android.gradle >= 3.0.0 requires Android Gradle Plugin >= 7.0.0. For older versions of the Android Gradle Plugin, use io.sentry.android.gradle:2.+.

The autoUpload flag has been deprecated in favor of two new options:

  • includeProguardMapping - Disables/enables Proguard mapping functionality. When enabled, generates a UUID and attempts to upload a Proguard mapping associated with that UUID to Sentry. When autoUploadProguardMapping is disabled, the plugin will only generate a sentry-debug-meta.properties file containing UUID, which can later be used to manually upload the mapping using, for example sentry-cli.
  • autoUploadProguardMapping - Defines whether the gradle plugin should attempt to auto-upload the mapping file to Sentry. When includeProguardMapping is disabled, this flag has no effect.


sentry {
    autoUpload = false


sentry {
  includeProguardMapping = true
  autoUploadProguardMapping = false

The io.sentry.android.gradle enables the tracing instrumentation (via bytecode manipulation) for androidx.sqlite and androidx.room libraries by default, to disable it, see the code snippet below.

sentry {
    // Enable or disable the tracing instrumentation.
    // Does auto instrumentation for 'androidx.sqlite' and 'androidx.room' libraries.
    // It starts and finishes a Span within any CRUD operation.
    // Default is enabled.
    // Only available v3.0.0 and above.
    tracingInstrumentation {
      enabled = false

The io.sentry.android.gradle >= 2.0.0 requires Android Gradle Plugin >= 4.0.0.

The io.sentry.android.gradle >= 2.0.0 must be applied to the app/build.gradle module (or the module that has com.android.application plugin applied).

The io.sentry.android.gradle >= 2.0.0 publishes the Gradle Plugin Marker to Maven Central. As a result, you no longer need to set the classpath.


buildscript {
    repositories {

    dependencies {
        classpath 'io.sentry:sentry-android-gradle-plugin:{version}'

apply plugin: 'io.sentry.android.gradle'


plugins {
    id "io.sentry.android.gradle" version "{version}"

buildscript {
    repositories {

The io.sentry.android.gradle has been rewritten in Kotlin. As a result, the Groovy or Kotlin DSL syntax has slightly changed.

The autoProguardConfig flag has been removed, the Android SDK >= 2.0.0 version already merges the ProGuard rules automatically.


sentry {
    autoProguardConfig false
    autoUpload true
    uploadNativeSymbols false
    includeNativeSources false


sentry {
    autoUpload = true
    uploadNativeSymbols = false
    includeNativeSources = false

You may remove android:extractNativeLibs="true" meta-data in the AndroidManifest file or android.bundle.enableUncompressedNativeLibs=false in the gradle.properties file if you're using the Android Native Development Kit. Sentry can now symbolicate events with the default value of extractNativeLibs and android.bundle.enableUncompressedNativeLibs.

Sentry#startTransaction by default does not bind created transaction to the scope. To start transaction with binding to the scope, use one of the new overloaded startTransaction methods taking bindToScope parameter and set it to true. Bound transaction can be retrieved with Sentry#getSpan.

All SDK methods have been annotated with JetBrains Annotations: @Nullable and @NotNull. Kotlin compiler respects these annotations, so in Kotlin code, some fields that were recognized as not-null, are now nullable, and the other way around.

SentryBaseEvent#getOriginThrowable has been deprecated in favor of SentryBaseEvent#getThrowable, and SentryBaseEvent#getThrowable now returns the unwrapped throwable.

SentryOptions#getCacheDirSize has been deprecated in favor of SentryOptions#getMaxCacheItems.

InvalidDsnException has been removed. It is replaced by IllegalArgumentException.

EventProcessor interface has a new default method which could break the instantiation when using trailing lambdas.


SentryOptions#addEventProcessor { event, _ -> event }


SentryOptions#addEventProcessor(object : EventProcessor {
    override fun process(event: SentryEvent, hint: Hint): SentryEvent? {
        return event

A random generated installationId replaces Settings.Secure.ANDROID_ID, which has been removed. This may affect the number of unique users displayed on the the Issues page and Alerts. If you always set a custom user using Sentry.setUser(customUser), the behavior has not changed. While you don't have to make any update, if you want to maintain the old behavior, use the following code snippet:

User user = new User();


SentryOptions#setEnableSessionTracking(boolean) is deprecated in favor of SentryOptions#setEnableAutoSessionTracking(boolean). It will be removed in future.


SentryAndroid.init(this, options -> {


SentryAndroid.init(this, options -> {

io.sentry.session-tracking.enable AndroidManifest meta-data is deprecated in favor of io.sentry.auto-session-tracking.enable. It will be removed in future.





operation is now a required property of the SentryTransaction and SentrySpan. Whenever a transaction or span is started, the value for operation must be provided:

Sentry.startTransaction("transaction-name", "operation-name");

The package io.sentry.core has been renamed to io.sentry. To compile correctly, replace the strings on all the usages from io.sentry.core. to io.sentry.

Other than that, the APIs didn't change. Release Heath sets by default. If you prefer not to track the health of your releases, disable it with:


With Sentry Android, we've updated the API to resemble the Unified API more closely. And now that the SDK isn't built on top of io.sentry:sentry-java, Sentry Android has more Android-specific features.

If you want to upgrade from the previous version of the SDK, please check the following sections of changes that may need updating in your code.

The file sentry.properties used by the previous version of the SDK has been discontinued. Configurations for the new SDK are in AndroidManifest.xml or directly in the code.

Example of the configuration in the Manifest:

    <!-- Example of the Sentry DSN setting -->
    <meta-data android:name="io.sentry.dsn" android:value="https://examplePublicKey@o0.ingest.sentry.io/0" />

If you want to set the configuration manually in the code, you need to initialize the SDK with SentryAndroid.init() --- described in Installation --- in the same file as SentryAndroidOptions, which holds configuration items.

The new SDK can initialize automatically, all you need to do is provide the DSN in your Manifest file, as shown in the previous example in Configuration.

If you want to register any callback to filter and modify events and/or breadcrumbs, or if you want to provide the configuration values via code, you need to initialize the SDK using the SentryAndroid.init().

To initialize the SDK manually:

  • Disable the auto-init feature by providing the following line in the manifest:

        <meta-data android:name="io.sentry.auto-init" android:value="false" />
  • Initialize the SDK directly in your application:

SentryAndroid.init(this, options -> {

Please note that the new SDK will send with each event a release version in a different format than the previous SDK.

If you are using the GitHub or GitLab integrations, you need to do one of the following:

  • Use the new format
  • Set the release in your AndroidManifest.xml
  • Change your code as described in the configuration section


Sentry.getContext().addTag("tagName", "tagValue");


Sentry.setTag("tagName", "tagValue");


try {
  int x = 1 / 0;
} catch (Exception e) {


try {
  int x = 1 / 0;
} catch (Exception e) {


Sentry.capture("This is a test");


Sentry.captureMessage("This is a test"); // SentryLevel.INFO by default
Sentry.captureMessage("This is a test", SentryLevel.WARNING); // or specific level


  new BreadcrumbBuilder().setMessage("User made an action").build()


Sentry.addBreadcrumb("User made an action");


  new UserBuilder().setEmail("hello@sentry.io").build()


User user = new User();


Sentry.getContext().addExtra("extra", "thing");


Sentry.setExtra("extra", "thing");




Sentry.configureScope(s -> s.clear());

Disable the autoProguardConfig flag from the Sentry Gradle Plugin since io.sentry:sentry-android >= 2.0.0 does this automatically.

sentry {
    autoProguardConfig false
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